Is Promise Academy free?

Yes. Promise Academy is a public high school. As a Community School, Promise Academy operates under the authority of the Ohio Department of Education and is basically the same as any other public school in Ohio.

Is Promise Academy’s diploma recognized by colleges and employers?

Yes. To be clear, Promise Academy awards high school diplomas (not a GED or Certificate of Completion). A Promise Academy diploma is recognized by the Ohio Department of Education, employers, and colleges.

I’m a student with a disability, does the school offer special education services?

Yes. Promise Academy offers a full array of special education services.

Can I attend Promise Academy part time?

No. There is nothing in Ohio law that allows a person to be a part-time high school student. Promise Academy can help most students find a way to be successful, regardless of their individual circumstances.

Does Promise Academy distribute laptop computers to students?

Sometimes. Promise Academy issued laptop computers to students during the pandemic. While we now expect that students attend school in-person daily, there are certain situations that require students to work remotely. If we determine that working remotely (in addition to attending regularly) is right for you, Promise Academy will issue you a laptop computer.

Can I do work from home?

Promise Academy uses electronic courseware as its main instructional delivery source. Because our courses reside in the cloud, students can always access their courses remotely. This does not mean that a student does not have to come to school. Students are still expected to be in school five days per week.

I work a lot, can I still make progress?

Yes. Most of Promise Academy’s students work close to full-time hours. We will work with you to develop a schedule that will allow you to continue with your job AND make progress towards graduation. In some instances, students can even earn high school credits by working.

Do I start from the beginning, or do my previous credits transfer?

It all depends. Promise Academy will recognize all credits earned at another high school. Many students come to Promise Academy just needing a few credits to graduate. Promise Academy can also develop a program for you if you do not have any high school credits.

Are you an online school?

No. Although our courses are typically delivered electronically, we have licensed teachers ready to assist you on the way to course completion. Students must attend Promise Academy five days per week.

Ready To Enroll?

Here’s what you can expect:

No tuition

Flexible pathways to graduation

Electronic courses, supported by licensed teachers

Small class sizes

Daily lunches

Credit recovery

Industry credentials

College Credit Plus

Not ready to enroll yet? You can request more information here.

Promise Academy

1701 East 13th St
Cleveland, OH 44114


[email protected]